Neighbourhood Learning


Defined by a deep-seated curiosity, Neighbourhood Learning encourages individuals to delve into exploration, delve further, and rediscover. The ethos is built on the premise that education is not just a solitary pursuit but a collaborative journey that thrives when shared. Driven by a mission to cultivate quality learning experiences in beautiful spaces with warm hospitality.

This branding project from 2023 spoke to me on a personal level, and from the beginning, there was an understanding that this brand should be loud and proud. Too often brands for the older generation are watered down, gentle on the eyes, corporate, and unstimulating. We wanted to awaken and excite through color and nostalgia, exploring the designs and palettes from the '60s and '70s - around the time they would have been in education as children.

I sought to provoke and challenge the norms of marketing to audiences over 60; a generation who can be overlooked and deemed to not require stylish design or visuals, but only functionality. For Neighbourhood Learning, functionality remained key and Brutalist design provided the template of this clarity, creating a wonderfully fun and vivid brand design of crude doodles, bold fonts, bright colours, and boobies!

I offered a set of beautifully simple logos, accompanied by icons and sketches to use in print and digital, along with brand guidelines to set the style and uphold the quality and joy of the Neighbourhood Learning brand.


graphic design embossed in printed business cards for branding concept
life drawing graphic design sketch of nude woman in electric blue for brand guidelines
minimal logo design for brand guidelines
potters stool
contemporary graphic design sketch on paper for print in electric blue
graphic design for life drawing class poster for branding client
graphic design for pottery class poster for branding client
graphic design sketches of different objects for brand guidelines

Pacha Design


Sati Design